Monday, July 09, 2007

Why do non-handicapped people use bathroom stalls for the handicapped?

That's a bit of a rhetorical question. I suppose it's one of my pet-peeves, especially down here in the Valley. Are these people going to let those that are physically handicapped use the stalls when they need to go? Geez guys.

Lots of rudeness down here in Texico. People place shopping carts behind other vehicles so they can be lazy and not return the carts to a nearby stand. Cars don't yield to pedestrians in pedestrian zones. Four to six cars continue after the light's already turned red. Drivers continually cut others, that have the right of way, off. Students park in the faculty and staff lots, even when there aren't enough spaces for faculty and staff. Manners people!

1 comment:

Manda said...

Amen. Although I will say that unless there is someone with a disability in the bathroom who needs the facility and all others are full, I totally use the big stall. I can't let all that real estate go to waste!