Monday, October 27, 2008

My own version of Make a Wish

We're relatively new to the church we're attending. Met a couple awhile back that aren't too far from us in age, and they have a son that is close to Victoria in age. The son once held Victoria's hand in the nursery (I missed it). Troy has played with the husband together on the worship team once.

Found out about a week ago, on October 17, that the wife (who is only 26 years old) has a blood clot and a 10 x 9 cm mass next to her heart. She has Stage One High Impact Lymphoma.

This past Friday was her first chemotherapy session.

I was surprised to see the family at church yesterday. Spoke with the wife to see how she was doing and see what needs she might have. Her son is nearing 7 months. She had been breastfeeding him, but with chemotherapy, her breast milk was no longer an option.

I offered to pump some breast milk for her. Even though her son is eating some baby food now, she wants him to continue having some breast milk if possible. Since I am capable of helping her, making her wish come true, I shall do my best to provide her with some breast milk.

People who know me well realize that this is a bit of a sacrifice. I pumped a lot with my first born, since I did return to teaching part-time. The second time around, I'm trying something different. Victoria's never had a bottle. I've pumped at most twice during her life (she's about 5 and a half months old). Why bother wasting time and energy washing those millions of parts to the pumping device and the bottles for feeding, when I can just take her directly to the source? Anyways, pray for my diligence in pumping as often as I can to help the family.

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