Tuesday, May 30, 2006

dreadful dreams about dissertation advisor still not liking chapters in my dissertation

One of the most recent dreams I remember having last night involved my dissertation advisor still not liking my revisions. In the dream, she thought I didn't spend enough time discussing various topics, that are not directly related with my main dissertation topic. And she wasn't very specific about what she wanted. Our alleged conversation (that occurred in my dream) left me feeling very uneasy this morning, when I woke up.

Alright, before I start on my dissertation work, as I promised my accountability partner, Manda, I am going to start with some devotional time. Somehow, in the last few years, I've gotten in my head that for devotional time, I need to do more heavy laden work, rich in theology. But, given how poor my devotional life is currently (yes, that's a confession, and I'm repenting!), I need to get back to it. Manda's lent me Beth Moore's "A Heart Like His." I've done a few Beth Moore studies and I remember enjoying her stuff. So, here I go!

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